Monday, March 3, 2014

Our Caesar's Wife

Criticism of the policies of our current president can be dangerous for those who disagree  with the policies. It is as if the current occupant of the White House is immune from critical reviews of his ideas, performance, or lack thereof, policies, and executive decisions and executive orders. In many cases Executive Orders are used to bypass the constitutional requirement of Congressional approval for appointments, spending taxpayer money, budget questions, and implementation of new laws.  Whereas the Executive Branch has the responsibility, authority, and duty to implement new laws, it does not have the authority to change laws to suit its political agenda. 

With Obamacare the president has delayed implementation of numerous sections of the law, given out exemptions to favored political allies, changed the law via executive fiat, Faqwas, I call them, and made other arbitrary changes to the law WITHOUT the approval of Congress or the federal courts.  Does the Chief Executive have the constitutional authority to make all these changes?

Where are the court cases challenging these arbitrary changes?

Recently, the Democrat Majority Leader of the United States Senate called the people who have lost their health care because of the implementation of Obamacare "liars."  Sen Reid claimed all the horror stories from thousands if not millions of Americans were  'just made up". 

"Just made up".  Reid and people like him care little for the reality of everyday life Americans must face.  Life is much tougher now than it was 6 years ago. Reid and his political party have no sympathy for people who complain about real life issues.

To make matters worse anyone who criticizes Obamacare or any other policy of the past 5 years is called a racist, a bigot, out of touch, narrow-minded, and too simple to understand what is good for them. 

And above all, no one is permitted to critique the occupant of the White House because the occupant is indeed Caesar's wife.

2014 Global Warming

Well, here we are in the middle of 2014 global warming season and it is snowing for the umpteenth time since 1 January 2014.  I can only imagine what it would be like IF we did not have global warming.  Instead of snow measured in inches per storm, perhaps it would be measured in feet per storm.   Just think of the possibilities.

As I have stated numerous times in this blog and elsewhere, Global Warming is 98% politics and 2% science, at best. As the old saying goes, "Follow the money" because there is an industry whoring after taxpayer money to "save" us from the evil we do to ourselves (according to the true believers of the Global Warming/Climate Change religion).  May God save us from these social/economic freaks; the new generation of controllers, planners, organizers, and High Order Priests. The High Order is made up of the elites of politics, education, unions, socialists millionaires/billionaires, the law, the fellow travelers, and the 21st Century Know Nothings.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Our Ruling Class II

Our Ruling Class is protected by an army of professionals - all carrying various types of weapons (guns). And we taxpayers pay the bill for this protection even though many of the Elites and members of the Ruling Class claim guns do not protect ordinary citizens when they, the citizens, own the guns.  Strange indeed.  Perhaps the Elites, the Rich and Powerful, the Celebrities, the Hollywood gang, and the Politicians should demonstrate their belief by using unarmed guards as they travel about buying votes, performing music, and acting in silly movies.

Just a thought.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Killer on the Loose

... in California.  A cop killer and another case of a mentally ill person going on a rampage. This one is a fired cop who is seeking revenge for his problems, whatever they are, and at this point he has killed 3 people on his rampage. He says he is a big Obama and Clinton supporter and is suffering from alleged racial discrimination and wants to make people pay for his problems. Does it sound familar?

This person has written a manifesto in the best Leftist tradition.

I bet CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC , MSNBC will NOT attempt to connect him to his heros, Obama and Clinton, et al.

The Latest Obama's use of Unmanned Drones to kill Americans who may or may not be associated with international terrorists. This is a sharp reversal for Obama who was harshly critical of Bush era policies dealing with terrorists.  Obama and most Democrats villified Bush for capturing terrorists and holding them without charges. Obama and Democrats condemned Bush for gathering information from captured terrorists using various techniques. Now Obama is killing Americans overseas without due process, without court hearings, without Congressional approval, and is violating the rights of these Americans as outlined and protected by the  4th,  5th,  6th , 8th, and 14th Amendments of our Constitution.

The latest is a Huge growth in Hypocrisy!

I wonder if these accused people prefer waterboarding or a Drone strike?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Our Ruling Class

Unlike Europe and many parts of the world, America never had an official aristocracy nor a codified Ruling class. America was founded on the principles of freedom where free people could raise their standard of living, create wealth for themselves and their country, and enjoy the equality that comes with success.  The idea was for people to work in their professions for success then participate in politics to serve the Republic, then return to their profession and local communities. That was true in the early years of our Republic and stills remains so. However, in 2013 our society has stratified.  Once politicians taste Washington DC and the attention that comes with being a member of the Ruling class, they are reluctant to return to their communities. We now have an unofficial Ruling Class.

Politics in America  is dominated by the professional politicians and their associates.  We see professional politicians at all levels of government: local, county, state, and national.  Our national leaders have little experience at activity other than professional politics.  The president and vice president have no experience at anything other than running political campaigns and spending other peoples' money. Yet we expect them to solve grave national problems and to tackle pending international issues without any experience at all.

Other national leaders in Congress fare as poorly.  The Democrat Senate Majority leader, Harry Reid and his politcal party, have not passed a federal budget in years.  Passing a budget is a Constitutional requirement, yet Reid ignores the requirement in part because he and his cohorts are professional politcians. The Republicans are only marginally better.  Members of Congress should be limited to a set number of terms in the House and in the Senate. In my opinion 535 men and women off the streets of America can perform better than the pros and serve the Republic better than the current flock of politicians.

The ruling class is abetted and supported by a corrupt mainstream media. If the media were fair and accurate in its coverage of politcs, the political outcomes, and the laws and results of legislation would be very different.  With low information voters electing strings of professional politicians, I see little or no chance for improvement in our ruling class.