Wednesday, September 12, 2007

General Petraeus

Well, the Democrats tried to make General Petraeus look bad as they normally do with members of the military. My observations of the hearings -both House and Senate - revealed a cool, calm, and controlled Petraeus. Heavens know the general must have wanted to smack many of the silly liberal politicians up-side their heads. H. Clinton all but called the general a liar.

Can anyone imagine a US Senator during World War II calling Gen Ike a liar? There were many many dreadful mistakes made durinng WWII but the politicians were of a better quality than those of today.

Many liberals and most Democrat politicians do not understand the War on Terror (Wot). Clinton, Biden, Dodd, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Durbin, Schumer, and others either do not understand what is at stake in the WoT or they do not care. Expediency appears to be their main concern as they cannot see past the next TV interview.

I was hoping the Dems would blast General Petraeus (a sure loser for the Dems) - we all know they wanted to blast him - but their collective memory of the beating they received at the hands of Lt. Col North restricted their tongues. It is clear to me the Democrat plan was to have their surrogates - the nuts at and the other nuts at the other Loony Left asylums do their dirty work.

The NY (Bad) Times (sic) ran a full page ad by the Moveon gang which assassinated the character of General Petraeus. The general has devoted his life to serving the nation with honor whereas the nuts at or George Soros has done WHAT? for the nation.

Just what has Soros and the gang at Moveon done to make the United States or the world a better place?


The bottom line is the Democrats would be 100 percent behind the WoT (of which Iraq is one part) if a Democrat, any Democrat, were in the White House. It is simple as that.

Partisan politics rules in Washington, DC.


Unknown said...

I was not able to view the hearings and the only information I have is from the news. I was impressed by the General's demeanor and his professionalism in spite of some of the childish remarks made during the hearings.

One Man's Vigil said...

john, thanks for posting on my Blog.

The general got a raw deal from the media and from many of the Democrats, in my opinion.

Unknown said...

Why didn't ANYONE ask the General what could be done to help end this mess and bring our people home? It seems that everyone is interested only in what might be gained (or lost) politically. Do we not have ANY statesmen in our system?

One Man's Vigil said...


Nah, they are a thing of the past.

Partisan politics is King these days.