Monday, December 28, 2009


Psalm 118:8 followed by Psalm 109:8.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


...was the largest concentration of gasbags ever collected in one place.

And for what reason?

Global warming?

Climate change?

To hear each other lecture us abour how much we breathe?

Or to attend the party?

The answer is to attend the party.

Outside the meeting rooms a winter storm howled and brought gobs of snow and ice. In America a December storm dropped up to 2 feet of snow in places in the Mid-Atlantic region. (21 inches at my place.)

The American president was forced to flee the Copenhagen storm in order to avoid the storm on the East Coast.

Just imagine what the Storm would have produced without global warming!!

And I wonder how much energy was wasted by the gasbags by flying private jets (Algore) to and from the gasbag conference, by using limos, and by attending the countless parties.

Copenhagen was about control, power, planning, politics, and extortion; the main tenents of modern liberalism/socialism/statism.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


CO2 happens when humans and animals breathe.

Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis. Mammals produce carbon dioxide through respiration. People like oxygen; plants like carbon dioxide (CO2).

We need plants. Plants need us.

More CO2 equals more plant life.

Why is CO2 considered a pollutant?


Friday, December 4, 2009

The Secret Service

...does its job.

And does it well.

The recent huff over two publicity seekers gaining entrance to a state dinner at the White House brought what I am sure is unwanted attention to the Secret Service.

My best guess is that a political person at the White House, not the Secret Service, decided to permit the two PR hounds into the dinner. Of course, the Secret Service will take the blame since Obama officials never make mistakes.

The Director of the Secret Service was on the Hill yesterday before a House committee. Despite continuing stories of more threats against President Obama (compared to previous presidents) , the Director, Mr. Sullivan , testified that the threat level is the same as it was against Bush 43 and Clinton.

Mr. Sullivan was under oath.

Well, there goes the liberals' "hate" theory.

The liberal theory is that because Obama is half black (African, actually) he was threatened more because of his skin color.



Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Joe Biden, the working man, said jobs was a three letter word.

No wonder Biden and his boss cannot create jobs.

The huge stimulus package was passed to prevent the jobless rate from going over 8 percent.

Last month the rate was 10.5 percent!

Well, that stimulus really did the "job", didn't it?

Tomorrow the Empty O and Biden convene a "Jobs" conference at the White House.

Does anyone really think the O and Biden, or any other set of government politicians, can create real jobs?

Real jobs are created by the private sector. The Empty O and Biden have no experience in the private sector and do not understand how our economy works.

So look for the jobless rate to rise as long as these clowns are in charge.



Yes, Virginia, there is a Climategate.

Just as I expected the numbers from some "scientists" have been cooked, altered, made up out of air, so to speak, to further a political agenda instead of a clean air or other "clean" purpose.

When will the police arrive to frog march these criminals out of their fake labs?


And of course the mainscream media are circling the wagons to protect their fellow travelers in the scam that is global warming/climate change or whatever the latest racket is called.

Read my old posts on this topic for background information.

I was wrong about one thing. I said global warming was 95 percent politics and 5 percent science.

It is 99 percent politics and 1 percent science.
