Wednesday, December 2, 2009



Yes, Virginia, there is a Climategate.

Just as I expected the numbers from some "scientists" have been cooked, altered, made up out of air, so to speak, to further a political agenda instead of a clean air or other "clean" purpose.

When will the police arrive to frog march these criminals out of their fake labs?


And of course the mainscream media are circling the wagons to protect their fellow travelers in the scam that is global warming/climate change or whatever the latest racket is called.

Read my old posts on this topic for background information.

I was wrong about one thing. I said global warming was 95 percent politics and 5 percent science.

It is 99 percent politics and 1 percent science.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Climate change has been going on since time began with or without man's influence.
I, and evidently many scientists, believe that we are in a change cycle at the present time. Of course, believing that doesn't sit well with the control freaks who want to control every facet of our lives.