Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Mao Faction

Have you noticed a trend at the Obama White House?

First, it was Van Jones who was the "Green jobs" person in the Obama adminsitration. Jones was forced to resign his position because of his political views. What was wrong with his views? Nothing if you are a Far Lefty who looks up to the figures from the Old Soviet Union and the Old China. Jones was a self described "communist"

Now it is Anita Dunn.

Dunn is a "Media" expert who advised the Obama campaign and now the Obama White House on media affairs. Specifically, she advised Obama and his team on how to avoid the media spotlight. She recently told high school seniors that she looked to two favorite "philosophers" for guidance. One of whom is Mao.

Yes. Mao.

The Mao of 40+ millions killed for political reasons. The Mao well known for abusing/using children for perverse reasons and who knows what else.


How many other Mao/Pol Pot/Castro/Il worshippers are there closeted in the Obama Administration?


You asked for it.

Thanks to FOXNEWS for breaking news the other media refuse to touch because they are in the tank for Obama.

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