Friday, December 4, 2009

The Secret Service

...does its job.

And does it well.

The recent huff over two publicity seekers gaining entrance to a state dinner at the White House brought what I am sure is unwanted attention to the Secret Service.

My best guess is that a political person at the White House, not the Secret Service, decided to permit the two PR hounds into the dinner. Of course, the Secret Service will take the blame since Obama officials never make mistakes.

The Director of the Secret Service was on the Hill yesterday before a House committee. Despite continuing stories of more threats against President Obama (compared to previous presidents) , the Director, Mr. Sullivan , testified that the threat level is the same as it was against Bush 43 and Clinton.

Mr. Sullivan was under oath.

Well, there goes the liberals' "hate" theory.

The liberal theory is that because Obama is half black (African, actually) he was threatened more because of his skin color.



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