Sunday, December 20, 2009


...was the largest concentration of gasbags ever collected in one place.

And for what reason?

Global warming?

Climate change?

To hear each other lecture us abour how much we breathe?

Or to attend the party?

The answer is to attend the party.

Outside the meeting rooms a winter storm howled and brought gobs of snow and ice. In America a December storm dropped up to 2 feet of snow in places in the Mid-Atlantic region. (21 inches at my place.)

The American president was forced to flee the Copenhagen storm in order to avoid the storm on the East Coast.

Just imagine what the Storm would have produced without global warming!!

And I wonder how much energy was wasted by the gasbags by flying private jets (Algore) to and from the gasbag conference, by using limos, and by attending the countless parties.

Copenhagen was about control, power, planning, politics, and extortion; the main tenents of modern liberalism/socialism/statism.

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