Saturday, April 12, 2008

Political Season

It continues unabated.

The political season, that is. The Democrats especially have a nasty primary fight raging and by all indications their contest will continue until the convention. I look for a mean-dirty-knock down-free-for-all since the Clintons are unwilling to concede anything to that upstart Barack H. Obama.

Obama has been riding in front in delegates and positive PR. This is despite the negative news around Obama's long time association with Rev Wright, the bigoted pastor of Obama's church, and Obama's mentor. Mrs Obama has not helped matters with her comments about "not being really proud" of the country that nourished her, educated her at the best schools, and elected her husband to the US Senate. Additionally, sending aid and relief to millions suffering from the tsunami disaster did not make Mrs Obama proud nor did the liberation of 50 million people from the cruel regimes of the Taliban and Saddam.

As for the Clintons they continue their perfected art of lying. And they are good at it as any observer can tell.

As to the politics there is little policy difference between Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. Both are neo-socialists and demand more government control over American lives, more taxes, more intrusion in the free market system (what is left of it), more money for their special interests, and less free trade. Free trade is a net plus for Americans - consumers and businesses.

I wonder why our nation of 300 million people cannot produce better candidates for the highest political office. Surely there are thousands of bright, hardworking, honest, informed, and loyal Americans who would make better decisions than the current crop of opportunists.

What do you think?

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