Saturday, June 21, 2008

On Energy II

More thoughts about our energy "crisis."

We would not have a "crisis" if we had planned for the future during the 70s, 80s, and 90s. We are now paying the price for sticking our heads deep into the sand and refusing to plan for the future prosperity of the nation.

Thanks to the extremists on the Left and their fellow traveling Democrats and a dishonest media we find ourselves over a barrel. Liberals, lefties, and others have blocked a rational and sensible energy policy for decades. We have not built a new refinery in more than 25 years thanks to these people. We have not used our own resources, offshore, onshore, crude oil, natural gas, coal, and other sources of available energy because it is politically incorrect to drill for gas/oil or to use shale oil and a new sources of oil.

One reason is that crude oil is considered a pollutant.

Oil as it comes from the Earth is organic!

Oil is/was created by Nature's God for our use.

The liberals and most Democrats (Obama, Clinton, et al) want to punish the oil companies because of high fuel prices. They want to raise taxes, always the first weapon of choice for most Democrats, so they can buy more votes by re-distributing wealth.

Democrats should look at the cost of crude when gasoline sold for $1.29 a gallon and compared that cost to todays cost. If only they were so indignant at the mind boggling cost of higher education today. Why not haul college and university CEOs in for a Congressional whipping since education costs have greatly outpaced energy cost during the past two decades.

What is a rational person to do?

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