Monday, May 31, 2010

Oil.... leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.

The federal government is in charge.

We are reminded of that daily by Obama or someone speaking for his highness.

What have the feds or Obama done to fix the oil leak?


I am waiting.


Does not fix oil leaks.

Teleprompters do not fix oil leaks.

By the way, oil as it comes out of the ground is organic. That's right.

It is ugly on the water and on the beaches, but it is a natural product produced by God's nature.

I am still waiting......


Anonymous said...

In former administrations, not only was banking deregulated with a disastrous result but so were the oil companies deregulated on our waters {both parties were involved in these lapses of foresight]. Brazil for example will not allow any offshore rigs which do not have a very costly failsafe device.This is in addition to the usual shut off valves. Having no regulation of that sort here they could omit that safeguard to save money. Hence the chaos. I worry at the unbridled vilification of a President who has faced unprecedented challenge. The government is not in the drilling business and cannot directly do anything at the point of damage I have noticed in extremes situations, where shock is involved and the mind can't initially get around the event, there appears to be a paralysis of sorts .. It's easy to point a finger but much more difficult to love. The routine bashing says little about about Obama but much about the spiritual status of people who hate in political disguise. The choice has always been between fear and love and always will be. Love does not mean agreeing or unqualified consent. It is the sending of life force to support the existence that needs to sustain for a duration for the overall best outcome. The vilification of Obama goes way beyond mere political preference. There is an energetic attack on the very fabric of his being and the tears are showing. People can be assassinated in different ways.

Unknown said...

Why would anyone be such a coward as to not post his name? If one truly believes his position he should not be afraid to identify himself. Without identity his comment is of no value and is void of all validity.

One Man's Vigil said...

What vilification of Obama? If I disagree with his policies, his plans for America's future, his political goals, and his agenda, why is it vilification to say so?

I don't think Obama has a clue about how to govern. His silly speeches make liberal women cry and liberal men faint, but as actually getting something accomplished, Obama is lost, and would be more lost except for the ones pulling his strings.

My opinion.