Sunday, October 17, 2010


... is what we get when the people of this country elect a socialist as its leader.

Let's review:

When Obama took office the unemployment rate was just under 8 percent. Obama pushed a stimulus bill through Congress to prevent the unemployment rate from going higher than 8 percent. It went to 10 percent and is hovering around that number now. The real rate is closer to 15-18 percent since many folks have given up on finding a job.

Businesses are scared of the risks associated with Obama's economic plan -such as it is. There are too many unknowns for business owners to stick their necks out. Taxes will go up in January 2011. The Bush tax cuts expire so no one is hiring. And the large black cloud lurking overhead is the so-called Health Care Reform - a misnomer, for sure, which has most sensible people worried about its nasty ramifications and unintended consequences.

But November is coming.

Real hope remains alive, albeit on a machine.

My hope is for repeal of the unconstitutional federal power grab call health care reform.

November is coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your comment that "November is coming" is right on and we are 'hoping for change!

I wonder if the American voter has had enough. Will the latest socialist experiment be brought to and end? We hope that this election will bring change.