Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Super Committee...


No surprise there since it was doomed to fail anyway.

Congress passed the proverbial buck to this "super committee" made up of assorted Members of Congress equally divided between the political parties. What made Congress and the president think this committee would reach an agreement on reducing federal spending when the president and Congress cannot pass a simple budget on time? Obama wants an issue to divide the country on economic lines and Congress cannot agree on reducing federal spending or how to best increase revenues without furthing damaging the failing economy.What to do?

The people must wake up. When half of Americans pay no federal income tax and receive transfer payments from the half that pays federal income taxes, then we get stalemate. Just like Greece there are millons of Americans who have been told by liberal Democrats for the past 50 years they can have something for nothing (aka buying votes). What happens when the non-paying half become the 75%? How long will tax paying working Americans tolerate this redistribution scheme?

Greece is coming unless we change our ways as a nation.

Under Obama the federal debt has increased more that 50% in less than 3 years!

How long can we stay afloat with that level of deficit spending?

2012 is coming.

Pray for God's guidance.

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