Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Death of Federalism

...... killed by a 5-4 vote of the Supreme Court today.

SCOTUS upheld the constitutionality of  Obamacare with Chief Justice Roberts siding with the socialists and writing the opinion.  Roberts evaded the Commerce clause justification using instead the power of Congress to tax as the reason the law met his approval.

Obama declared numerous times in the past two years that the law would not raise taxes.  I guess he was wrong on that point.  So now if Congress decides it wants people to buy a certain product and they do not, then Congress has the power to "Tax" them for not buying that product.

Man!  Just think of the possibilities here for Congress to raise funds to implement their pet projects and to take care of their friends.

Long live Federalism.

If you do not know and appreciate our Federalist system, such as it is after this disaster, shame on you.

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