Saturday, February 24, 2007

Food Fight

The recent flare up between the forces of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton foreshadow what lies ahead in the lead up to the general election. How will Obama react to the coming criticism and we all know it is coming not only from Clinton, but from other Democratic wannabes. Republicans can sit back, relax, and watch as the Democrats continue the food fight. As Mitt Romney said, it's "great."

Is Obama in the race for the Number two position? He is lean in experience. He is young. And his middle name is Hussein. Is America ready for a president whose middle name is Hussein? Or a vice president? Time will tell.

Most of the people in the race -on both sides- have little or no chance at the nominations. Biden, Dodd, Brownback, Richardson, etc., are in the race for attention and their 15 minutes of fame. Or perhaps they also wish for the number two spot on a ticket.

McCain is up to his old cranky self. Plus, it appears he has been sipping the global warming kool-aid. As I have been saying for years global warming is 5 percent science and 95 percent politics. The same old Chicken Littles who told us of the coming ice age a few years ago now swear to us that the earth is doomed unless we all move back into caves and stop raping Mother Earth. What a crock! More on this later.

Please comment and post so I can test this new Blog gadget thing.

One Man's Vigil


Anonymous said...

Why can't we have a canidate who truely wants to be president for the countries sake, and not there own hidden agendas. Nice piece, let the dumbacrates fight it makes for entertaining TV.

One Man's Vigil said...

Thanks for the post. Good question for which I have no answer. Yes, it should be an interesting primary season.

One Man's Vigil