Monday, February 26, 2007

Global Warming I

Is the theory of global warming about hot air? If we listen to Al Gore preach the new religion of the Left, then it is all about hot air. As I said before global warming is 5 percent science and 95 percent politics (the real hot air). The Left wants to shut off debate about the theory. We are told repeatedly that the debate is closed, the evidence is in, and that man is responsible for the slight rise (if it is happening at all) of temps around the world. Why do the Greens and their fellow travelers in the media fear a healthy debate about global warming? And why is a slight increase in surface temperatures a bad thing?

Recently, the IPCC (Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) released a political document on global warming. The report was developed by political appointees to an international body, a part of the United Nations. It blamed man for the slight increase in temps and called for international action to curb man's emissions of certain pollutants such as Co2 and methane. The scientific report will be released later this year and, this is crucial, will be "adjusted" to fit the political report just released by the IPCC. Does that smell like political correctness run amok? A scientific report will be massaged to fit a political agenda! Wow. And the people of the world are suppose to trust the UN?

If the earth is warming slightly, the causes may be numerous and natural. Solar activity can and does effect temps on earth. During the last 2000 years we have seen warm periods, followed by cold periods, one so cold it is called the Little Ice Age and lasted from 1350 -1850 AD. The year 1816 was called the year without a summer in the United States and it snowed on July 4th in New Hampshire. The Little Ice Age was preceded by a period called the Medieval Warm Period which ran from 800-1300 AD.

Another potential cause of warming (assuming it is happening) could be the nutation of the earth's axis as it spins like a top through space. A top does not spin in the same spot but moves in a wobbly motion. A slight variation in this spin could effect climate and weather.

Assume the earth is warming slightly. Why is that bad?

The warmer it is means generally the more plant life the earth can support. The more green the planet is, the more CO2 the plants can convert to oxygen. Warmer temps mean higher food production, healthier lives for humans and animals, and more beach time for vacations. All benefits, in my opinion.

Much more on this topic to come.

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