Friday, June 8, 2007

They Don't Get It!

Politicians in Washington still do not understand the illegal immigration issue. It is about controlling our borders, hence, our security. If we refuse to police our border, how can we expect to protect the nation from terrorists, criminals, drug dealers, and others who wish us harm? And what do the people who enter illegally think of a nation that cannot or will not control its border? I suspect these folks have a low opinion of Americans.

The much talked about "immigration reform" bill contained 1,000 pages of details. For more than two centuries we have governed ourselves (sometimes not very well) and lived by a small document called the United States Constitution. How in the world does it take a 1,000 page document to fix the illegal immigration problem?

I know Teddy Kennedy had a hand in negotiating and drafting this monster of a bill. That explains the verbose nature of the bill. But really, we can fix our borders - the solution is simple, just enforce existing laws, and take care of the illegals in our country by requiring employers to turn over data on illegals to federal authorities. We then can require illegals to register, pay taxes, obtain proper IDs, and apply to work in the United States.

I do not assume that illegals want to become Americans. They want jobs and some want free benefits, but I question the assumption made by most politicians that they want to assimilate and become Americans.

Mexico has no tolerance for illegals coming into Mexico to work. You get jail time if you are caught working in Mexico. Try it if you do not believe me.

It is time for the politicians to wake up on this issue.


Anonymous said...

Maybe we should spend less time and money in Iraq and more here on our broders.

One Man's Vigil said...

We have plenty of money to secure our border. It has nothing to do with fighting al Queda and other terrorists in Iraq. However, if we do not secure our border, how do we know whether hundreds, even thousands, of terrorists have entered the country and are waiting for their time to strike.
Again, it is not a fiscal question; rather, it is a question of responsibilty and discipline to act. So far Congress under both Rs and Ds have lack the resolve to protect our borders.

Unknown said...

What do the people living near the border have to say about illegal immigration?
We have only John McCain who is vocal and Kennedy who doesn't reside even close to the problem. Where are the people from Texas, Flordia, California and why aren't they heard?