Tuesday, October 16, 2007

General Sanchez

General Ricardo Sanchez gave a speech recently in which he blasted the Bush Administration and the media. We heard media reports on Sanchez's criticism of the Iraq War policy - a policy he was a major figure in developing and implementing - but we heard nothing from the mainstream media about Sanchez's scathing attack on the media elites.

Sanchez - a three star general - was a major player in Iraq. Did he express the same policy concerns during his tenure in Baghdad that he expresses now? Is Sanchez angry because he was passed over for promotion? Is it sour grapes and hypocritcal now for him to blast the policy that he helped to formulate? There were major mistakes made in the planning, the leadup, and the execution of the war in Iraq. But show me a war - any war - that does not include major mistakes.

Sanchez is dead on right about the media. For many years I have been saying the mainstream media is not only biased, but dishonest. Sanchez's blast of the Bush Administration received major media attention. Sanchez's blast - a major event- of the media coverage of the war received little or NO attention in the mainstream media.

Why is that?

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