Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010- The Year

2010 - The year may be a year to forget except for good news in November.

Let's review.

Cold weather. Snow up to my a...! More snow.

Lousy politics in DC (nothing new there). Unneeded and unwanted federal government take over of the American Health Care System.

High unemployment. Obama said in 2009 jobs was in his mind and he was focusing his laser on jobs. Few jobs were created as more folks lost jobs.

Obama said in early 2010 he was focusing on jobs. Did he mean killing jobs or creating jobs? No one could tell because the nation kept losing jobs and the unemployment lines grew and grew. When Obama took office unemployment was 8 percent. It reached 10 percent despite "stimulus" bills passed by the Democrat controlled Congress.

Oil spill in the Gulf. Bad news because Obama quickly outlawed drilling/pumping oil/gas from existing wells.

Hence, higher gas prices. The politicians made the spill worse by polluting the air waves with their senseless talk. The best solution would have been to allow Nature to fix the spill which it always does in due time.

November brought good news as the voters revolted against the Democrats. The Dems lost the House by a large margin and lost 6 or 7 seats in the Senate.

The Tea Party is responsible in large part for the taxpayers revolt against out of control politicians who cannot do their job (creating a federal budget on time, protecting our borders, and spending taxpayer money as if it were their own). No, the DC crowd wants to spend more and more to buy votes and feed their pet special interests groups.

There is more work to do to clean up DC.

2012 is coming. Get ready.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tea Party

Let's have a Tea Party.

Harken back to the 1770s but instead of dumping the Taxed Tea into the harbour, let's dump the Taxing Politicians !!

How about it?

2012 is coming!

And 2012 offers a great opportunity to dump more wasteful, corrupt, out of touch, arrogant, elite, and unAmerican politicians from political office.

I have all of them in my eye.

Friday, November 5, 2010

2012 is coming!

Are you ready?


... can float off into the Pacific Ocean any time it wants.

I am sick of California.

California: America's Greece.

California: The land of fruits and political nuts.

California: Perhaps a nice place to visit, but I do not want to live there.

California: Home of 33 million movie stars.

California: Proof there is no known cure for insanity.

A New Congress....

...will come to DC in January 2011.

What is its mission?

Why did the voters remove 60+ liberal Democrats from office?

Why did the GOP gain numerous state houses, governerships, and control of many state legislatures?

Was the Obama shift to the Left the reason? Obama did not campaign as a socialist but he has governed as a socialist. Obama knew the voters would not elect him if he promised socialistic policies. Yet that is what the nation got during Obama's first two years.

The new Congress must repeal, at least make the attempt since Obama will veto it, the Health Care takeover law.

And the new Congress must stop any more moves to the political left and reverse some of the policies of the past two years.

The new Congress must balance the budget. To do this it must cut spending. It can start by outlawing earmarks and cut pork and numerous subsidies to special interest groups.

Start by stopping federal funding to NPR and PBS.

Gotta start somewhere.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Does Obama Get It?

It started in 2009. Elections in Virginia and New Jersey led the way. A special election to fill the vacant US Senate seat of the late Teddy Kennedy was held in early 2010.

Scott Brown, a Republican, won the special . This was a shock to many liberals and lefties. Was nothing political sacred?? How could it happen?

There were other warning signs to the politicians in DC. The Tea Party movement sprang up overnight and attracted many Americans turned off by the excessive and reckless federal spending, by the constant move to the political left, by the unwanted and unnecessay Health Care monstrosity, and by the deafness of many of our elected officials.

Yet despite the election results and numerous polls showing a majority of Americans fed up with the federal government - its spending habits, its inability to control the budget, its waste of taxpayer money, the bailouts of banks, auto makers, and unions - President Obama insisted the American people did not understand. The problem, Obama and others said, was the message was not clear or delivered properly.


I think the American people understand exactly what is going on in Washington. That is why the Nov 2 election results brought real change. The people know. And they do not care for the shift to the Left. That is not the change most Americans wanted.

Even after the Democrats lost 60+ seats and control of the US House Obama still does not get it. The Democrats lost 6 or more seats in the US Senate and have 23 Senate seats up in 2012.

Maybe Obama will get it after the next election.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


... is what we get when the people of this country elect a socialist as its leader.

Let's review:

When Obama took office the unemployment rate was just under 8 percent. Obama pushed a stimulus bill through Congress to prevent the unemployment rate from going higher than 8 percent. It went to 10 percent and is hovering around that number now. The real rate is closer to 15-18 percent since many folks have given up on finding a job.

Businesses are scared of the risks associated with Obama's economic plan -such as it is. There are too many unknowns for business owners to stick their necks out. Taxes will go up in January 2011. The Bush tax cuts expire so no one is hiring. And the large black cloud lurking overhead is the so-called Health Care Reform - a misnomer, for sure, which has most sensible people worried about its nasty ramifications and unintended consequences.

But November is coming.

Real hope remains alive, albeit on a machine.

My hope is for repeal of the unconstitutional federal power grab call health care reform.

November is coming.

I want your Money

I want your Money - is a movie just out.

Isn't that title accurate when it comes to the professional politicians who claim they know what is best for us (hence, the awful health care bill) and how to spend OUR money better than we.

Go see the movie.

Power to the Tea Party!!!

November is coming!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Greek to me.

There is a lesson for all of us playing out in Greece.

When people think they can have their cake and eat it too, we get Greece.

Greece is about greed.

Greeks want to live the good life, nothing wrong with that, but they want everyone else to pay for it. That is wrong!

The State of California in on the road to Greece. Many other states in the USA are stepping in that direction. Most of these states are or have been governed by big spending liberals (of both major parties),

When will Obama bail out the irresponsible states with more taxpayer money?

It is Greek to me.


...our politicians are incapable of recognizing what the country needs. Instead of working to cut wasteful and unneeded federal programs, the political leaders are shoveling more of our $$ to their friends and support groups. They do this to buy votes.

What we need, what the country needs, is a return to fiscal sanity. Stop the runaway spending, reduce the size of government, eliminate old outdated programs such as farm subsidies (it is not the 1930s, after all), and allow the free market to price commodities such as milk, sugar, corn, etc., etc.

We are on the Road to Greece.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Oil.... leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.

The federal government is in charge.

We are reminded of that daily by Obama or someone speaking for his highness.

What have the feds or Obama done to fix the oil leak?


I am waiting.


Does not fix oil leaks.

Teleprompters do not fix oil leaks.

By the way, oil as it comes out of the ground is organic. That's right.

It is ugly on the water and on the beaches, but it is a natural product produced by God's nature.

I am still waiting......



Why do liberals always think spending more $$ will fix a non-financial problem?

Why can't Congress pass a budget on time?

Why must we (the Feds) ALWAYS increase spending even though we have less income? Families decrease spending when income falls: why can't the government use the same common sense rule?

If we can limit the terms of a President, why can't we limit the terms of US Representatives and US Senators?

How about 6 terms in the House (12 years at the most) and 2 terms (12 years) in the Senate?

The DC virus has no known cure.

It is time we, the people, find a cure!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Obama care........ coming your way whether you want it or not.

And it ain't gonna be like Momma care.


When the federal government handles health care, it will be run like the Post Office with a dash of IRS thrown in for good measure.

Look for rationing. Look for long waits for those fancy tests, if you qualify at all. Look of a decline in service. Look for more expensive medicine. Look for poltical triage. That is, if you vote right and support the correct pols you may get better medical treatment.

And just think, you get to pay for this super new Obamacare four years before you get to enjoy all its great benefits.

What if everything was like that. Say buying a new car.

Go in to the dealer and order one. You pay for four years before you get the car. Order in 2010, get it in 2014. And you get a 2010 model; not a 2014 model. Isn't that the way the old Soviet Union operated?

Where is this country headed?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The First Year of.....

.....Obama's rule has ended.

And not with a lot of joy in contrast to the way the first year started.

The man who promised Hope and Change brought little hope but lots of unwanted change.

Unemployment went from under 8 percent to more than 10 percent despite a huge federal stimulus costing us taxpayers more than 800 Billion bucks.

GM and Chysler were bailed out of their financial mess with taxpayer funds and the Unions, one of Obama's strongest organized support groups, getting a sweetheart deal in the process through a negation of long standing contract law. We have a "car czar" to rule Detroit. Ford went without federal tax $$ is is doing well in comparison to the other two American auto makers.

We are ruled by Obams's other czars, as many as 30 plus who were appointed by Obama's version of Faqwas: Executive Orders

Instead of concentrating on the real problems facing America, Obama went for the takeover route by making the federal overhaul (takeover) of our health care system his top priority. He should have concentrated on the economy, jobs, terrorism, taxes, wasteful federal programs, trade, and energy. Since few Americans want the federal government to run health care, Obama's approval numbers started to fall and continue to fall into early 2010. And for good reason.

Obama promised open government and transparency yet the monster health care bills were written behind closed doors with special interest groups. Two bills, a House version and a Senate version, each more than 2,000 pages that no member of either body read, were touted as the answer to America's health care problems. Neither bill addresses the real problem: cost. Neither bill included tort reform. Neither bill addressed insurance reform that would permit national competition. Neither bill provided coverage for all Americans, yet the bills mandated fines and criminal penalties for people who did not buy health care insurance. Not everyone needs or wants health care insurance. Why should a healthy 23 year old pay several hundreds or thousands of dollars a year for a service he/she may not need?

The special election in Massachuetts shocked the world. Little known Scott Brown ran as an "independent Republican" and upset the favorite and took Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat. Kennedy must have rolled over least once in his resting place.

Obama spent months apologizing for America's power, influence, wealth, and productive life style. He is our first anti-American president. He is also our first African-American Jimmy Carter.

Obama is soft on terrorism. After the Christmas Day bombing aboard an American airliner near Detroit the bomber, from Nigeria, was questioned for 50 minutes and turned over to his ACLU lawyer. No fair trying to glean any intelligence about his training, future terrorist attacks, or any information that might assist us in preventing or disrupting international terrorism.

Amateur hour, indeed.

Obama did declare one war during his first year. Yep, it was an all out attack on FOXNEWS. I think Obama is following Hugo Chavez's lead. Look for more attacks on Obama critics in the coming year.

Obama fails to see that his policies and ideas are driving his ratings down. He is incapable of change, however, and will push his leftist agenda at all costs to the country. That is what happens when we elect a dedicated socialist president.

I think Obama and his crowd, his mentors, puppetmasters, the Chicago gang, his financial backers, and professional Lefties, you know the ones I mean, want our economy to fail. Then that failure will open the door for more federal government intervention, control, power, and influence in not only our daily lives, but in controlling businesses as well.

It's all part of the progressive plan to make us all perfect cogs in their dream system.

Psalms 109:8