Monday, January 3, 2011


... is here.

And in national politics a change in leadership comes to the 112th Congress. The Rs won control of the US House in November. The Ds still control the US Senate and and White House. However, this change is needed and holds promise for the new year.

What should the Rs do with control of the House?

Repeal the Federal take over of health care?

Stop spending (wasting Taxpayer money?

Rein in the Obama Adminstration out of control agencies and czars?

Pass a budget on time?

Control our borders?

Review, revise, and eliminate federal agencies created to solve 1910 or 1930 problems?

Reduce, in contrast to controlling the growth, the federal budget?

Reduce the federal salary scale?

Place Congress under Social Security?

There are numerous areas where the US House, if properly led, can make a huge difference in the nation despite the two other branches of the federal government being controlled by the Lefties.

I say YES to all of the above and more. Even if the Senate and Obama will not agree or pass or sign the changes, we need changes in this country before it is too late.

What do you think?

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