Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our National Debt.....

.... is the total debt of the federal government since we started this experiment in republican government. It is more than 14 Trillon dollars and will go even higher.

It is 2011 and a fine mess we find ourselves in.

How did we get to this point?

Congress (all of them) and the Presidents (all of the recent ones) are primarily responsible for the financial disaster the nation faces. The federal government borrowed money to pay for programs special interests and others and some of the American people demanded. Instead of pay as you go which is what responsible Americans do every day, the feds borrowed and borrowed and borrowed more. If I were that irresponsible, I would be locked up for criminal behavior.

Unless something is done soon, the federal national debt will kill the country.

And we can thank generations of sorry politicians for spending and spending instead of balancing the federal budget. There is no reason the federal budget cannot be balanced like most businesses do and like most families do.

Thanks a lot Congress.

Keep in mind the sorry politicians raided the SS Trust Fund to pay for their special interests and the Trust Fund is empty except for worthless IOUs the politicians deposited there.

It is Congress's responsibility to make the budget. They can't even pass the budget on time and use CRs to extend the operations of the federal goverment.


1. Term limits for members of Congress. No more than 12 years total "service".

2. Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the US Constitution.

3. Cut 1930s styled programs. It is NOT 1936 and we need new thinking.

4. Cut federal salaries.

5. Stop foreign aid. It is NOT 1947 anymore.

6. Stop all subsidies (Farm, Steel, milk, cheese, PBS, NPR, rice, etc., etc. )

7. Reform SSA and related programs.

8 Terminate numerous federal agencies such as: Education (why do we need a federal Dept of Education anyway?).

9. Reform the Tax Code and the IRS.

Have a nice day!

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