Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Global Warming II and Al Gore

Algore is the leading exponent of the theory of global warming. For years Algore has warned us to cut back on our energy use, to change our lifestyles, and to get ready for the gloom and doom of the coming crisis. If Algore were serious about his fears, he would follow his own advice.

Recent news stories revealed that Algore at his Nashville mansion uses 20 times (TWENTY TIMES) the energy that the average American home uses. Algore uses more than 200,000 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy a year. And Algore and his lovely wife have several homes around the country.

What gives?

Algore is a hypocrite. That is not unusual these days for people on the Left who say one thing and do the opposite. You know how it goes. The gloom and doom is for the "little people" and the elites like Algore and his friends do not need to follow the same rules - even if Algore goes around the world preaching how we all must change. Algore is special and is not subject to the rules he wants the rest of us to follow.

In other news, Special Report with Brit Hume reported that Channel Four in the UK will air a special on global warming this week. The theory is called a "warming swindle" and a "sham".
I wonder if the Drive By Media in the US will mention this report in their news. Probably not since it conflicts with the liberal conventional wisdom.

It was really windy yesterday. Before global warming the wind hardly ever blew!


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