Friday, November 30, 2007


We had another debate this week. This one was the work of CNN to cover the Republicans running for their party's spot in the 2008 election.

It was no surprise to me to learn that CNN planted Democratic operatives in the audience and selected YouTube questions based upon the hostility level of the questions.

CNN stated before the debate that it was a chance for Republican voters to ask the candidates any question they wanted. Only thing is CNN selected Edwards supporters, Obama supporters, Clinton supporters, all clearly not Republican voters, to ask hostile questions in direct contrast to the Democratic debate a few weeks ago. Do you think CNN would EVER select Republicans to ask questions of Clinton and the other Ds?

CNN even selected a retired Army general to ask a question about homosexuals in the military. CNN did not inform the audience that the retired general was a homsexual and a member of Clinton's steering committee. After the YouTube question was answered Anderson Cooper, the moderator, asked the general who was in the audience (remember it was suppose to be a Republican audience) if he got the answer he wanted.

No, of course not.

How did the general get into the audience? Did CNN fly the general from California to Florida just to ask hostile questions.

This is another case study of why the American people cannot trust CNN and most of the liberal mainstream media.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Constitutional Amendment

One of the biggest political problems I see in the United States is the presence of career politicians in Washington, DC. Many politicians in the House and Senate have spent their entire adult lives in DC. This problem manifest itself in special interest groups and nefarious iron triangles controlling career politicians. The Founders did not intend for political offices to be held by lifelong politicians, but wanted a wide range of people to perform public service - a break from their careers as farmers, physicians, businessmen, lawyers, etc - and return to their communities and careers.

We have limited the terms a president can serve with good reason. A proposal to limit the terms of Representatives and Senators is required.

A Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to limit the number of terms and or the number of years members of the US House and US Senate may serve.


Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of United States Representative more than Six Terms or to the office of United States Senator more than Two Terms, and no person holding such office more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected Representative or Senator shall be elected to the office of Representative more than Five Terms or to the office of Senator more than One Term. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office in the House or the Senate when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of Representative or Senator, or acting as Representative or Senator, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of Representative or Senator or acting as Representative or Senator during the reminder of such term.

Section 2. This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress

A Proposed Constutitional Amendment

One of the biggest problems I see in American politics is the presence of lifelong politicians on the national stage. Congress is the best illustration of the problem. There are members of the House and Senate who have spent their entire adult lives in Washington, DC. I think the career politicians are a bad influence in our national affairs- servants of special interest groups, members of nefarious iron triangles, and dedicated to spending the people's money in careless and non-essential growth of the federal government rather than exercising their power to control and restrain the growth of the federal government and ration and return the people's money to the real owners - the people. Remember, government has no money. It only has at its disposal the money it confiscates from the people.

Hence, a proposal to amend the Constitution of the United States. To wit:

Constitutional Amendment

Monday, November 19, 2007


I don't have room or time to list all the things for which I am thankful.

To my wife, my family, my extended family, and ancestors I owe a lot.

I am thankful for being an American.

I am thankful to God for providing the Founders for us. Our Founders gave us a wonderful gift and to paraphrase Ben Franklin, if we can keep it, it will bless us and our descendants for ages. I only hope we can resist the urge to take the easy course in our political journey -socialism - and remain true to the path that provides the most individual rights and requires the most individual responsibilities.

Happy Thanksgiving.

And God Bless America!


I hear complaints - almost daily- about negative political campaigning. One candidate accuses another candidate of being a sissy and the accuser is forced to apologize - not once, but several times over a period of days and weeks. The accused sheds tears and garners huge amount of sympathy.

This reveals several things. One, the accused was really a sissy and two, the American people -especially journalists- have no clue about negative campaigning and three, we have become a nation of wimps. If people knew American political history - journalists claim to be educated, but have no useful knowledge of political history- then they would realize that negative political campaigning today is mild in the extreme compared to the old time elections. The political fights in 1800, 1824, 1828, 1864, and other "no holds barred" elections made men faint and forced women to their day beds. Duels were fought over political campaigns and Andrew Jackson called men out over accusations about his/his wife's honor.

I say bring back the tough days where the people learn the truth about the people seeking the highest office in the nation. If they can't stand the political spotlight, they can step aside!

Saturday, November 17, 2007



Barry Bonds.

What does it mean that the home run king of baseball has been indicted for lying to a federal grand jury about his activities RE: steroids.

What is going on in sports with all the cheating?

Marion Jones, a champion track athlete cheated.

Floyd Landis was found guilty of cheating (he denies it) in the 2006 Tour de France.

Some PGA golfers (unnamed) have been accused of cheating with steroids/other drugs.

The 2007 Tour de France had several episodes of cyclists cheating.

What is happening and why?

I don't know and I don't know what we -fans- should do about it.




Have you noticed a decline in media coverage of the War on Terrorism in Iraq.

I have. And I think I know why there is less coverage of events in Iraq now than there was a few months ago.

There is less violence in Iraq now. The Iraqis in many areas of the country decided that al Queda was bad and took action to rid their neighborhoods and districts of the killers from Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Iran, and other countries who were one of the major causes of the violence. Many Sunni and Shia Iraqis decided to work together to make Iraq a safer country.
Hence, there is less violence in many areas of Iraq. The surge is working!

As we all know from long experience the American media prefers to cover bloody action to positive and constructive action. And good results in Iraq means Bush was right, General Petraeus was right, and the media and their running dogs on the left side of the political aisle were WRONG.

So don't expect the mainstream media to report the many facets of Iraqi life that have greatly improved since the Surge started. Just like the Democrats who invested heavily in defeat in Iraq the media also invested in a negative outcome and will continue to refuse to see the positive results in Iraq.

They can't permit President Bush to receive any credit for his vision, his determination, his patience, and his faith in the flicker of democracy in the Middle East.



Why can't news people - journalists - allow folks at the political "debates" to ask their own questions?

The lastest example of the mainstream media's dishonesty was revealed in the Democrat "debate" in Las Vegas. A young woman from the audience was allowed to ask the last question. Her question was directed to Senator Clinton. The question was "Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?"

That's right.

"Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?" was the question posed to the main contender for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

Later we learned CNN forced the young woman to ask that question. The woman said she had two serious questions to ask, but CNN chose the question for her.

Is this another case of planted questions for Clinton? Only in this case the media is the one planting the super softball questions to the media's favorite candidate. On an earlier occasion we learned that the Clinton campaign had planted people in the audiences to ask Clinton easy questions.

I stopped watching CNN years ago because of dishonest practices like this one. ABC, CBS, NBC, and NPR are no better to say nothing about the NY Times and other largre city newspapers. No wonder they are losing viewers and readers by the millions. (See three part post on the Mainstream Media in older posts on this Blog.)

No wonder few Americans watch these shows they call "debates" when the real issues are ignored and candidates refuse to talk in plain English. Perhaps there are too many lawyers in politics today.

Of course, Senator Clinton did not answer the question, but weaseled out with a typical reply.

I have little hope the media will improve its performance.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Fall has arrived.

Finally. After a long and extremely dry summer the leaves have done their magic at last. The trees held onto their green leaves longer than usual this year probably because of the abundance of sunlight. While the falls colors are not as sharp as in past years there are hundreds of tones in the colors I see. The range of colors amazes me every year.

Fall brings a slowdown in my cycling activity. I will ride during Fall and Winter taking advantage of Indian Summer, if it comes, and other warm days to do maintenance rides. After almost 6,500 miles this year I do not want to lose all the gains made in 2007.

My 20 or so rides on Skyline Drive were fantastic! It is a great place to bike and I look forward to 2008 and more challenging and exciting Skyline bike rides. Hopefully, the black bears will continue to move out of my way (I saw 8 this year).

Best rides of 2007 were: Numerous Skyline Drive rides, the Reston Century Double Metric, a 130 mile ride on 26 August, and the local short ride when I clicked over 110,000 miles since 1991.

Keep Spinning!