Monday, November 19, 2007


I don't have room or time to list all the things for which I am thankful.

To my wife, my family, my extended family, and ancestors I owe a lot.

I am thankful for being an American.

I am thankful to God for providing the Founders for us. Our Founders gave us a wonderful gift and to paraphrase Ben Franklin, if we can keep it, it will bless us and our descendants for ages. I only hope we can resist the urge to take the easy course in our political journey -socialism - and remain true to the path that provides the most individual rights and requires the most individual responsibilities.

Happy Thanksgiving.

And God Bless America!


Trav37 said...

John, our founders based this country on Christian Principles. In everything they wrote and the memories they leave, they praised God for the chances they were given to promote a Christian Nation. However, don't tell that to anyone in the ACLU or certain judges who make and interpret their own laws, rather than uphold the constitution..ld

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving Uncle John!

One Man's Vigil said...

Thanks for your comments LD and Jessica.

LD is correct. The United States was founded on Christian principles -what better foundation for law and a nation is there than the Ten Commandmants (Big Ten) and the teachings of Jesus Christ?, but modern secularism has replaced the values the Founders used as the basis for our nation's laws. Today some judges promote their own agenda instead of adhering to basic constitutional guidelines.

If each of us lived according to the Big Ten, just think how few problems we would have in our society!