Saturday, November 17, 2007



Why can't news people - journalists - allow folks at the political "debates" to ask their own questions?

The lastest example of the mainstream media's dishonesty was revealed in the Democrat "debate" in Las Vegas. A young woman from the audience was allowed to ask the last question. Her question was directed to Senator Clinton. The question was "Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?"

That's right.

"Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?" was the question posed to the main contender for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

Later we learned CNN forced the young woman to ask that question. The woman said she had two serious questions to ask, but CNN chose the question for her.

Is this another case of planted questions for Clinton? Only in this case the media is the one planting the super softball questions to the media's favorite candidate. On an earlier occasion we learned that the Clinton campaign had planted people in the audiences to ask Clinton easy questions.

I stopped watching CNN years ago because of dishonest practices like this one. ABC, CBS, NBC, and NPR are no better to say nothing about the NY Times and other largre city newspapers. No wonder they are losing viewers and readers by the millions. (See three part post on the Mainstream Media in older posts on this Blog.)

No wonder few Americans watch these shows they call "debates" when the real issues are ignored and candidates refuse to talk in plain English. Perhaps there are too many lawyers in politics today.

Of course, Senator Clinton did not answer the question, but weaseled out with a typical reply.

I have little hope the media will improve its performance.

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