Friday, September 26, 2008

Another Fine Mess

"Congress, it's another fine mess you got us into."

And it is the fault of Congress!

The financial "crisis" is the making of the politicians in DC who forced the mortgage industry to lend to people who could not afford the loans. The idea of getting more people into home ownership is a good idea. However, it is NOT a good idea to lower lending standards to where borrowers did not have to have a credit history and were not required to prove income sources.

That is why we face a financial crisis today.

Both political parties are at fault and there is ample blame to share among the parties. I wish all 535 members of Congress would lose in Novenber although there are a few members who tried to warn of the looming problem. McCain was among them.

I told my wife last night that if we selected 535 people off the street they could not possibly do a worse job than the current crop of professional politicians. How could they?

Congress cannot pass appropriation bills on time. Congress loads most legislation up with tons of pork to buy votes. Congress exempts itself from the laws it passes. Congress gives itself pay raises without floor votes. Congress meddles and intereres in what is left of our free market system. Congress spends OUR money like drunken college kids away from home for the first time.

What can we do? We are only taxpayers and voters.

More and more I think Mark Twain was correct many years ago when he said the only uniquely criminal class of people in the Nation was the Congress.

What do you think?

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