Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is Joe Biden his Time?

Where is Joe Biden?

Since Joe stuck his whole leg into his mouth last week with the comment that Hillary would have been a better choice as the annointed one's running mate, Joe has been Biden his time.

Poor Joe.

I once watched Senator Biden question a Supreme Court nominee for 30 minutes. Biden used 27 minutes of the 30 to babble on and on and on in a non-legal stream-of-consciousness ramble that had even Biden admirers, yes, there are a few, shaking their heads in disbelief.

But wait.

What will happen to Biden when he meets Sarah face to face in a debate? Will Biden wet his pants when confronted with a strong and independent woman from Alaska? The comparison of the drab and negative Senator Biden who has been in DC since the early 1970s with the fresh and positive Palin will make for revealing TV. The corrupt DC insider versus the happy outside reformer says it all.

I like my politicians positive and forward looking in the Reagan style.

When have we heard anything positive about America, the economy, foreign affairs, health care, the War on Terrorism (remember, the Democrats saying the War in Iraq was lost just last year and most Ds refuse to acknowledge the success of the surge), or on energy.

The opportunities are numerous for McCain and Palin to demonstrate the vast differences between their positive forward-looking approaches and the backward-looking negative polices of Obama and Biden his time.

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