Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gov Palin

Is she "qualified" to serve as vice president?

Of course, she meets all the nominal requirements just as Senator Obama meets the nominal requirements to serve as president.

Palin has served as governor of Alaska, a mayor of a small town, and other local government posts. Obama served in the Illinois legislature and serves as a US Senator. Palin reformed much of the Alaska government and rid it of corruption. Obama has spent most the past three years running for president. In some peoples' minds running for president qualifies one to be president. I am not making this up. I heard Mort Kondracke say that on a program this week. Kondracke is the ultimate DC Insider who thinks only people with years and years of DC service are qualified to fill DC jobs. Poor Mort!

The media generated noise over McCain's selection of Palin is just that. Noise. The elite salons in DC, in New York, and on the West Coast cannot tolerate the outsider Palin because; (1) She is not one of them, (2) she is from a Red State, (3), she has five kids, one with Down Syndrome and her 17 year old daughter is pregnant (hicks), and (4) McCain did not seek their approval of his selection.

And the media elites, unelected, nonresponsive and biased journalists, will do whatever it takes to knock Gov. Palin from the GOP platform.


Palin threatens their influence and power in national politics. Palin proves that the media elites are irrelevant in the 21st Century.

If 143 days in the US Senate qualifies Obama to be president, then serving as governor of Alaska surely more than qualifies Palin to serve as VP.

More to come on the media feeding frenzy.

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