Friday, October 3, 2008

The Age of Palin

The Age of Palin began 2 October 2008.

Did you see the debate between Gov. Palin and Senator Biden?

Despite her rookie status as a national figure Gov Palin more than held her own against the wily long time senator from Delaware. As a matter of fact, I rate Palin's performance, her presentation skills, her use of language, her grasp of the issues, many still very new to her, as superior to that of Senator Biden.

A striking difference between the two candidates was (and is) attitude. Whereas Biden was totally negative, and had nothing positive to say about anything, and was backward looking in playing the blame game, Palin was positive and looking for better days ahead of us. Biden was sour, almost unhappy in contrast to Palin's open, smiling and cheerful presentation of the issues.

What a difference in outlook!

Biden's long tenure in the US Senate should have guaranteed him a victory in his matchup with the governor. But it did not. Biden played loose with many facts and twisted others to suit his answers. Palin refused to answer questions in the mode favored by the moderator and the senator and flat out told them.

Good for her.

Perhaps McCain should ask Palin to sub for him in one of the two remaining Presidential debates

Now that would be interesting!

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