Friday, October 17, 2008

The Double Standard

Anyone who pays attention to the news and politics knows about the liberal media's bias.

The latest examples are:

1. The attacks on Joe the Plumber.

Joe had the nerve to ask Obama a tough question about taxes. Obama's answer revealed his true colors - as in Red. Redistribition of wealth by government coercion is a good thing in Obama's view.

So why isn't the mainstream media taking Obama to task for his Marxist political leanings?
Because the media agree with and support the redistribution of wealth by government - known in most parts of the world as socialism or communism.

Joe is being attacked by the media and other lefties because he revealed Obama's true colors.

2. Joe Biden - the human gaffe machine.

Remember how Dan Quayle was villified in the media over and over and over.

Here are a few of Joe Biden's latest gaffes.

At a Missouri rally old Joe was recognizing local politicians and called out a name. Then he said "Come on , stand up and let us see you." Then old Joe discovered the person was in a wheelchair. No story in the mainstream media.

If Gov Palin or McCain had done such a thing, the media would have run it for days and days.

At the debate with Gov Palin, old Joe said folks should meet him at Katy's Dinner in Delaware to see how ordinary people work and live.

The only problem is Katy's Dinner closed more than 20 years ago.

No stories in the mainstream media!

Then Old Joe said the worst problem facing the country was a three letter word - JOBS!!!

Three letters???

Imagine if Gov Palin or McCain had said "jobs" was a three letter word.

The media would have gone nuts for months.

3. Obama said he was going to visit all 57 states.


Yep, 57 states.

No stories in the mainscream media.

4. We saw the media frenzy when McCain selected Gov. Palin as his running mate. Flocks of liberals flew to Alaska to look for dirt on Palin. Her family was attacked, her children attacked, and every Palin hater in the state was quoted.

In comparison we still do not know anything about Obama. The liberal media have given Obama a pass and refuse to do their job. Instead of asking tough questions and digging into the relationships between Obama and Ayers, Wright, Alinsky and other "reds" we get worship stories from the sycophantic media.

5. PBS ran a poll asking whether Gov Palin was qualified to serve as VP?

Nothing wrong with that except PBS DID NOT run a poll asking whether Obama was qualified to serve as president?

Why the bias and double standard? Palin has more experience than Obama. Obama has done nothing in his career other than run for the US Senate from which he started running for president as soon as he arrived.

No wonder millions of Americans are disgusted by the mainstream media. I predict the media will continue to lose readers and viewers by the millions simply because Americans cannot trust or believe the media!

This explains the low rating of the media by the public. A dishonest, lazy, biased, and self absorbed media is not what we need.

Thank God for the alternate media!

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