Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joe the Plumber...

is a symol for millions of Americans.

Joe represents Americans who want to start their own their businesses without the government taking their hard earned income and redistributing it to people who did not earn it.

Joe the Plumber is being attacked and ridiculed by the elites in the mainstream media (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBCLSD, NY Times and the usual big city suspects and the weekly magazines) for exposing Obama for what he is: a socialist at best.

Why should hard working Americans pay higher taxes to a bloated, out of control, demanding, inefficient, wasteful, and spendthrift federal government? There is no good reason for higher taxes!

In our economic conditions taxes should be reduced, governments at all level should spend less, and thousands and thousands of Joe the Plumbers should be encouraged to start their businesses. Most jobs (a four letter word, Senator Biden) are created by Joe the Plumbers.

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