Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Debates

...are over!


I did not learn anything from watching the debates. I knew going in that McCain was not an inspiring speaker. I knew Obama gave pretty speeches and repeated his lines well.

I was disappointed by McCain's passive approach to the issues. He did a little better last night, but still allowed Obama to rope-a-dope all night long. McCain refused to press issues critical to the future of the nation; namely, Obama's associations with Ayers, a domestic terrorist, Alinsky, an American Red Guard, a true believer in the worn-out Marxist dogma which has plagued mankind for more than 100 years. And, of course, McCain said nothing about Jermiah Wright or Louis Farrakhan or Resko or the Chicago political machine which controls (in part) Obama.

It comes down to how many voters will fall for the pretty lines and meaningless cliches - Hope, Change.

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